Incarnations Artists March 3rd – May 7th, 2022 China Head and Torso of Bodhisattva, Northern Wei Period 386-534 CE Limestone H: 8 3/4 in. (Inv# 45952) China Head of Buddha, Northern Wei Period 386-534 CE Berri Stone H: 8 1/2 in. (Inv# 54037) Incarnations Exhibit...
Mario Algaze Sendido iluminado (Iluminated Path), Cuzco, Peru 1989 Gelatin silver print 11 x 14 in. Signed in pencil on verso (Inv# 70015-C) Copán, Honduras 1988 Gelatin silver print, Selenium toned 14 x 11 in. Signed in pencil on verso (Inv# 59280) Machu Picchu, Peru...
Hugo Brehme La Iglesia (The Church), Chichén Itzá 1920s Sepia print, vintage 10 1/4 x 13 1/4 in. Titled in pencil on recto mount (Inv# 106747) Los Remedios Aqueduct, Mexico 1920s Gelatin silver print mounted on board 10 4/8 x 13 1/4 in. Signed in pencil on recto mount...
AIPAD - The Association of International Photography Art Dealers
IAAATA - International Association for Ancient Asian and Tribal Art (formerly NADAOPA - National Association of Dealers in Ancient, Oriental and Primitive Art)